'foreigner'에 해당되는 글 2건

  1. 2009.12.18 :: A simple guide for buying iPhone in Korea 2
  2. 2009.12.09 :: Buying an iPhone in Korea as a Foreiger
If you are a foreigner, it might be not easy to buy an iPhone in Korea. So I write a simple guide for them.

1.General information
  1) You can buy an iPhone only from KT. SKT and LGT DONOT sell iPhone.
  2) If you have an iPhone which you bought in other countries, you can use it. But you should pass the test of certification by Raidi Research Agency. It cost about \330,000. After passing the test, KT can register your iPhone.
  3) But if your iPhone is locked, you can't use it in Korea. You can find on Internet how to unlock the iPhone.

2.Understanding KT contract program and price plan.
  1) KT provides two types of contract program for iPhone.  
 Types of Contract  Contract period  Type of payment  Price plan
 Show-king i  only 24month  Installment payment only  i-slim, i-light,
i-medium, i-premium
 Show-king standard  12, 18 ,24 month installment payment and
upfront payment
 You can choose whatever you want.

  2) Only F2, F4, F5 visa holders can use installment payment. So non F-series visa holders can use only Show-king Standard program with upfront payment.

  3) Detailed information for i-series price plan. 
   i-Slim  i-Light  i-Medium  i-Premium
 Monthly Cost \35000   \45000 \65000  \95000
 Included Talk  150Min.  200Min.  400Min.  800Min.
 Included SMS/MMS  200  300  300  300
 Included Data  100MB  500MB  1000MB  3000MB

  4) Total subsidy and discount are varied to the combination of contract program and price plan.
 Contract Type Show-king standard   Show-king i  Show-king i  Show-king i  Show-king i
 Price plan            -   i-slim  i-light  i-medium  i-premium
 Total            -  \418,000  \550,000  \682,000  \814,000
       discount for
         price plan
 depends on your price plan  \120,000  \192,000  \312,000  \528,000
       subsidy for
 \214,000  \298,000  \358,000  \370,000  \286,000

    - Discount or subsidy for Show-king i contract is provided monthly for 24 month. For example, when you use i-medium about \28,416 will be applied monthly.
    - When you use Show-king standard contract, discount for price plan cabl be applied. But the amount of discount is varied.

3.Then how much you should pay for iPhone? 
  1) Show-king Standard Contract + showfree200 + SMS500 + showsmart1000 
    [ Condition ]
     - Handset : iPhone 3Gs 16G  (\814,000) 
     - Price plan for talk : Showfree200 (\31,000 per month. included talk 200Min. No free SMS)
     - Price plan for SMS : SMS500 (incl (\8,000 per month. included SMS is 500)
     - Price plan for Data : Showsmart1000 (\15,000 per month. included Data is 1000MB)

   [ Total payment for 24 month ]
     - Handset : \814,000 - \214,000 = \600,000 (upfront payment)
     - for talk, SMS, Data : \53,000 x 24 month = \1,272,000
         \53,000 = \31,000 + \8,000 + \15,000 - \1000 (Show-king standard discount) 
     - Grand Total = \1,872,000 

  2) Show-king Standard Contract + i - Medium price plan
    [ Condition ]
     - Handset : iPhone 3Gs 16G  (\814,000) 
     - Price plan for talk/SMS/Data : i-Medium (\65,000 per month. included talk is 400Min. included SMS is 300 and included Data is 1000MB)
   [ Total payment for 24 month ]
     - Handset : \814,000 - \214,000 = \600,000 (upfront payment)
     - for talk, SMS, Data : \65,000 x 24 month = \1,560,000
         *Show-king standard discount CANNOT be applied for i-price plan.
     - Grand Total = \2,160,000

** So, actually  1) is the only choice.  

 4.Let's compare with F-series visa holder or Korean nationals. 
  1) Show-king i Contract + i-Medium price plan 
    [ Condition ]
     - Handset : iPhone 3Gs 16G  (\814,000) 
     - Price plan for talk/SMS/Data : i-Medium (\65,000 per month. included talk is 400Min. SMS is 300 and Data is 1000MB)
   [ Total payment for 24 month ]
     - Handset : \814,000 - \370,000 = \444,000 (installment payment)
     - for talk, SMS, Data : \65,000 x 24 month - \312,000 (Show-king i discount) = \1,248,000
     - Grand Total = \1,692,000    

** Non F-series visa holders should pay about \180,000 more for 24 month.

posted by Mr.앤더슨

Ye... I'm not a foreigner at all. I have never lived in foreign country over 2 months. Yes, I'm a original Korean guy.
Today, I helped a foreigner who want to buy an iPhone and it took over 4 hours to get the iPhone finally!!
Many complicate things made me crazy. I just feel sorry for that situation as a Korean. So I deside to help many foreigners in Korea who do not have any person to help them buy an iphone in Korea.
It is just a personal help. I may not solve many big problems. For example, the insurance for installment payment, restricted service by which visa you have, etc.
Anyway I will give some English information for foreign iPhone wishers.
And I will post some articles about iPhone. I use Apple's product first time. But iPhone is amazing. I just want to share my experience with my iPhnoe.

나는 외국인도 아니고.. 업무 때문에 최근에 아이폰을 접하게 된 초보 아이폰 유저다. 어쩌다 보니... 아이폰을 구하려는 미국 친구 한명을 도와 주게 되었는데, 아이폰을 최종 개통하는데 까지 총 4시간이 넘게 걸렸다.
나는 외국에서 오래 살아본 적이 없다. 두어달 유럽, 홍콩 배낭 여행 다녀온 것이 전부라, 외국에서 산다는 것이 얼마나 불편한 것인지 전혀 모른다. 그러나, 핸드폰 하나 개통하는데 4시간이 넘게 걸릴 일은 없을 것 같다.

회사일도 바빠 죽겠는데, 이 블로그를 시작하게 된 것은, 아이폰 개통을 도와 주었던 그 외국인 친구한테 겪었던 일을 정리해서 공유해주기로 했기 때문이다. 블로그라는 것을 처음 해보다 보니 여러가지로 부족하겠지만, 약속도 지킬 겸, 나도 무언가 배울 기회가 될 것 같아 시작해본다.

나는 직장인이고, 그것도 아이폰 출시한 회사에 다닌다. 아이폰에 대해서, 혹은 아이폰을 출시한 KT에 대해서 많은 말들이 오가고 있는 것을 알고 있다. 내가 아이폰 출시에 직접 관여한 바는 없으나, 아이폰 때문에 욕을 먹고 있는 그 사람들은 나의 동료들이다. 비록 많은 혼란과 어려움이 있었으나 그들이 아이폰이라는 물건을 한국에 출시하기 위해 얼마나 많은 힘든 일을 해왔는지 나는 어렴풋이나마 알고 있다. 
나 역시, 유저의 입장에서라면 불평을 해야 할 부분이 없지는 않겠지만, 그러나 나는 그런 말들 보다는 아이폰이라는 좋은 물건을 더 잘 활용하고 누릴 수 있는 정보를 공유하는 일에 힘을 쏟으려 한다.
시덥잖은 글들이 조금이라도 도움이 되기를..

posted by Mr.앤더슨